The Radio sources associated with Optical Galaxies and having Unresolved or Extended morphologies (ROGUE) project aims at exploring the physics of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) using spectroscopically identified galaxies in the local universe. The parent galaxy sample is chosen such that it allows strict estimation of parameters (for example, mass) of the central super massive black hole (SMBH), host galaxy, stellar populations, etc. The project primarily relies on 3 sky surveys covering the northern sky: (1) Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release (DR) 7 at optical frequencies, and (2) Faint Images of Radio Sky at Twenty Centimetre (FIRST), and (3) NRAO-VLA Sky Survey (NVSS) at central frequency of 1.4 GHz conducted using the Very Large Array (VLA) of National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).
The main science drivers are the following: (1) Radio AGN physics as a function of BH mass, host galaxy mass, stellar population, morphology type. (2) Radio AGN duty cycle. (3) Calorimeters using X-rays - probes on jet power. (4) Mis-aligned blazar population - probes from the Fermi-LAT. (5) Feedback on the activity of the central AGN and stellar population.
On the right, we show some examples of the newly discovered radio galaxies in the ROGUE I catalog. The webpage is still under construction.
What's New ?
- 03/07/2020: The radio and optical maps analysed in the ROGUE I catalog are released. Check the ROGUE I page.
- 30/03/2020: The ROGUE I catalog is released. Check the ROGUE I page.
- 17/12/2019: The ROGUE I catalog paper is accepted for publication in ApJS.


We acknowledge the support of the National Science Centre (NCN), Poland.
The science team heartfully thanks Marian Soida, Marek Jamrozy, and Staszek Zola of Astronomical observatory of the Jagellionian University for the support and resources.
This website is designed by Saravanan Sengottuvel.
Last updated : 03-February-2021